
Back in the summer, I wrote a blog post in which I mentioned that I would like to try a dawn shoot some time. Plan A for today was to return to the coast to do just that; after all, the days are going to start getting longer again soon which will mean an even earlier start! I managed to drag myself out of bed at silly o’clock but, by the time I got to the car, there was already a tell-tale lightening in the sky and I decided that, after 35 minutes of driving, I might miss the sunrise. So, instead I headed to Rochester, much closer to home, more familiar but just as cold as the seaside!  I struggled a little for inspiration but, once I had let go of the need to take ‘pretty’ pictures, collected a few images that, if nothing else, tell the story of my walk.


Photo 1: Rochester Castle.  Photo 2: View from the river, looking towards the Esplanade.  Photo 3: Near the castle and cathedral.  I think the animal that you might just be able to make out is probably a fox, though there is something about the shape of it that makes me wonder…


Photo 1: Access to boats moored on the river.  Rochester bridge is behind.  Photo 2: There is a Christmas market in Rochester Castle grounds at the moment, including a funfair.  Photo 3: I tried to catch a jogger and his shadow, but they were too quick for me!

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The River Medway.

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Views from the car park!  The industrial and railway equipment created some interesting shapes in the early morning light.
